Press Button below to submit payment for Mas Hakohol
Your Mas Hakohol payment goes straight to our Crown Heights Rabbonim Shlita who depend on your generous participation for their salary. The standard participation is $180 per year. You may give more if you wish.
Use the top “Donate” button for a one-time gift. If you prefer to split your payment into 12 monthly installments of $15, use the first “Subscribe” button below. If you are unable to give the full amount (or wish to give more), you also have the option to use the next button down to select your own monthly amount. The bottom button is for a gift to “Ask the Rav”
Use the buttons below if you wish to pay a regular monthly amount:
List of Services of the Crown Heights Rabbonim:
Shalom Bayis
New! 24 hours service to answer your personal shaalos (questions) online
Use this button to make a donation to support asktherav
Remember when you called late at night with that vital shayla?
Our Rabbonim are there for you, round the clock.
Now its time to give back.
When someone calls to remind you about Mas HaKahal, please give generously
Bikur Cholim of Crown Heights
Beth Din of Crown Heigths